How to use configilet uploader

Script can be use in 2 different ways to manage configlet on a CloudVision (CVP) server:

  • Use a CLI option to point to configlet to update.
  • Use a json file to configure a set of actions to execute against a CVP server.

Use script parameters to update

For a short demo, it can be useful to just update and deploy content of an existing configlet configured on a CVP server. To do that, use --configlet option from your CLI and then point you local version of your configlet.


This approach should be used only to validate script execution. Features are not all available in this way and you can just update a configlet with with no deployment.

$ python -c configlet.examples/VLANs


2019-02-28 13:23:37 INFO     task Short path update is going to update configlet.examples/VLANs
2019-02-28 13:23:37 INFO     Connected to
2019-02-28 13:23:37 INFO     *************
2019-02-28 13:23:37 INFO     Starting working with configlet.examples/VLANs
2019-02-28 13:23:37 INFO     Configlet [VLANs] found on
2019-02-28 13:23:37 INFO     Get list of applied devices from server
2019-02-28 13:23:38 INFO     Version [u'2018', u'2', u'2']
2019-02-28 13:23:38 INFO     Setting API version to v2
2019-02-28 13:23:39 INFO     Start looking for devices attached to [VLANs]
2019-02-28 13:23:39 INFO       > Configlet [VLANs] is applied to spine1 with sysMacAddr 2c:c2:60:56:df:93
2019-02-28 13:23:40 INFO       > Configlet [VLANs] is applied to leaf4 with sysMacAddr 2c:c2:60:b5:96:d9

In this scenario, we assume configlet VLANs is already deployed and applied on a group of devices. In this case, we can see configlet is attached to spine1 and leaf4.

Version of the configlet we are pushing is very simple: we have added a new vlan to deploy to existing list of vlan:

vlan 12
vlan 34
vlan 73

In any case, you have to define connection information. it can be done using CLI options or by loading variables from your environment as described in options section

Use json file for bulk actions

Another way to manage all actions to run on a CVP server is by using a JSON file to list a set of actions. This json file is provided to the script by using `-json` trigger on CLI.

JSON file is an array of entries where every single entry in JSON file describe a task to run:

      //task 1
      //task 2

Current version of code support all the actions listed below:

  • Create a configlet
  • Update content of a configlet
  • Delete a configlet from Cloud Vision Portal
  • Add a device to an existing configlet
  • Remove a device from an existing configlet


For the first 2 options, a local content for any configlet shall be present to push content to Cloud Vision. In other scenario, only the name of the configlet targetting by your action should be defined.

Create a configlet with add task

To create a new configlet on CVP server, JSON file shall have the following structure:

    "name": "new CVP Configlet",
    "type": "configlet",
    "action": "add",
    "configlet": "configlet.examples/VLANsTEMP",
    "apply": false,
    "devices": [

Where keys have description below:

  • name: A name for the task. it is only a local name and it is not used on CVP side.
  • type: shall be configlet. It define what kind of entry to manage on CVP. in this case, we are talking about a configlet.
  • action: Action to run on configlet. As we want to create a new one, action shall be add
  • configlet: Path to the configlet. Remember that file name will be used as configlet name.
  • apply: define wether or not we should deploy this configlet to devices. if set to false, then a change-control or manual action should be done later.
  • devices: An array of devices hostname configured on CVP where to attache configlet.

Update content of a configlet with update task

To update an existing configlet on CVP server, JSON file shall have the following structure:

    "name": "new CVP Configlet",
    "type": "configlet",
    "action": "update",
    "configlet": "configlet.examples/VLANs",
    "apply": true

Where keys have description below:

  • name: A name for the task. it is only a local name and it is not used on CVP side.
  • type: shall be configlet. It define what kind of entry to manage on CVP. in this case, we are talking about a configlet.
  • action: Action to run on configlet. As we want to create a new one, action shall be update
  • configlet: Path to the configlet. Remember that file name will be used as configlet name.
  • apply: define wether or not we should deploy this configlet to devices. if set to false, then a change-control or manual action should be done later.
  • devices: An array of devices hostname configured on CVP where to attache configlet.


Note: If configlet is not already configured on your CloudVision server, then script try to create it. Creation requires a list devices configured in this specific task.

Delete a configlet with delete task

To delete an existing configlet on CVP server, JSON file shall have the following structure:

    "name": "new CVP Configlet",
    "type": "configlet",
    "action": "delete",
    "configlet": "configlet.examples/VLANsTEMP",
    "apply": true

Where keys have description below:

  • name: A name for the task. it is only a local name and it is not used on CVP side.
  • type: shall be configlet. It define what kind of entry to manage on CVP. in this case, we are talking about a configlet.
  • action: Action to run on configlet. As we want to create a new one, action shall be delete
  • configlet: Path to the configlet. Remember that file name will be used as configlet name.
  • apply: define wether or not we should deploy this configlet to devices. if set to false, then a change-control or manual action should be done later.
  • devices: An array of devices hostname configured on CVP where to attache configlet.

Remove a device from configlet with remove-device task

To remove a device from a configlet on CVP server, JSON file shall have the following structure:

    "name": "new CVP Configlet",
    "type": "configlet",
    "action": "remove-devices",
    "configlet": "configlet.examples/VLANsTEMP",
    "apply": false,
    "devices": [

Where keys have description below:

  • name: A name for the task. it is only a local name and it is not used on CVP side.
  • type: shall be configlet. It define what kind of entry to manage on CVP. in this case, we are talking about a configlet.
  • action: Action to run on configlet. As we want to create a new one, action shall be remove-devices
  • configlet: Path to the configlet. Remember that file name will be used as configlet name.
  • apply: define wether or not we should deploy this configlet to devices. if set to false, then a change-control or manual action should be done later.
  • devices: An array of devices hostname to remove from the configlet.

Attach device to a configlet with add-device task

To attach a device or a list of devices to a configlet on CVP server, JSON file shall have the following structure:

    "name": "new CVP Configlet",
    "type": "configlet",
    "action": "add-devices",
    "configlet": "configlet.examples/VLANsTEMP",
    "apply": false,
    "devices": [

Where keys have description below:

  • name: A name for the task. it is only a local name and it is not used on CVP side.
  • type: shall be configlet. It define what kind of entry to manage on CVP. in this case, we are talking about a configlet.
  • action: Action to run on configlet. As we want to create a new one, action shall be add-devices
  • configlet: Path to the configlet. Remember that file name will be used as configlet name.
  • apply: define wether or not we should deploy this configlet to devices. if set to false, then a change-control or manual action should be done later.
  • devices: An array of devices hostname to remove from the configlet.

Change-control building

To delete an existing configlet on CVP server, JSON file shall have the following structure:

    "name": "Change Control to deploy last update",
    "type": "change-control",
    "schedule": "2019-03-15-12-30",
    "snapid": "snapshotTemplate_9_4694793526491",
    "apply": true,

Where keys have description below:

  • name: A name for the task. it is only a local name and it is not used on CVP side.
  • type: shall be change-control. It define what kind of entry to manage on CVP. in this case, we are talking about a change-control.
  • schedule: optional entry to schedule execution of change control. if not set, change-control is executed 3 minutes after entry registration
  • apply: If set to true, then, script will schedule change-control execution using schedule field or 3 minutes after change-control creation. If set to false, change control must be executed manually.

Some other options are also available for this action:

  • timezone: Timezone of the server to manage scheduling. By default, it is set to Europe/Paris timezone.
  • country: Country where CVP is for time managemement as well. By default it is set to France.


Timezone should be defined according time-zone configured on the machine you are running the script. In the meantime, your Cloud Vision server shall be NTP synced with correct timezone as well.