Configlet uploader to CVP

Generic script to update configlet on an Arista Cloudvision server. It is based on cvprac library to interact using APIs calls between your client and CVP interface.

Supported Features

  • Update existing remote configlet.
  • Execute configlet update.
  • Wait for task result.
  • Delete configlet from server.
  • Creating a new Configlet.
  • Add and remove devices to/from existing configlet.
  • Creating change-control.
  • Scheduling change-control.
  • Collect tasks to attach to change-control.

Complete documentation available on read the doc

Known Issue

Due to a change in CVP API, change-control needs to get snapshot referenced per task. Current version of cvprack does not support it in version 1.0.1

Fix is available in develop version. To install development version, use pip:

$ pip install git+

Getting Started

$ pip install git+

# Update your credential information
$ cat <<EOT >
export CVP_HOST=''
export CVP_PORT=443
export CVP_PROTO='https'
export CVP_USER='username'
export CVP_PASS='password'
export CVP_TZ='France'
export CVP_COUNTRY='France'

# run script (assuming VLANs configlet is present on CVP)
$ cvp-configlet-uploader -c VLANs


Project is published under BSD License.

Ask question or report issue

Please open an issue on Github this is the fastest way to get an answer.


Contributing pull requests are gladly welcomed for this repository. If you are planning a big change, please start a discussion first to make sure we’ll be able to merge it.

Indices and tables